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Stuff They Don’t Tell Parents of Children with Disabilities: An Interview with Kelley Coleman

Sara Clime and Kelley Coleman Season 4 Episode 162
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00:00 | 52:54

We are honored to welcome the inspiring Kelley Coleman to our podcast. Kelley shared her deeply personal journey as a parent of a child with multiple disabilities and how she ended up writing her book, "Everything No One Tells You About Parenting." Her authenticity and wisdom shine through in this interview. We discuss the lack of information parents are provided on diagnosis and how there’s not one specific place a parent can go to find the info and support they need. We talked about the crucial aspects of caregiving in navigating the healthcare system, accessing financial support, and our need for self-care that might be unconventional.

Ep. 162; March 19, 2024

Key Moments:
[7:03] Care plan for my dependent child brings victories
[15:52] State disability definitions and benefits
[26:12] Getting a second opinion is freeing
[39:57] Balancing rewards and guilt of parenting challenges
[44:05] Going home Googling things and crying


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Find Sara at www.saraclime.com or on Instagram @saraclime