Take Heart

Ep.165: Digging Deeper Into Grief as Disability Parents

Amy J Brown, Carrie Holt and Sara Clime Season 4 Episode 165
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00:00 | 41:32

Join hosts Carrie, Sara, and Amy as we take a deep dive into the grief we face as mothers of children with disabilities. In this episode, we talk about how grief can feel like fear or anger, the need to be honest with ourselves, and the transformative nature of lament. This topic is something you may not know that you need until you allow yourself the space. 

Eps. 165: May 7, 2024

Key Moments:
[4:23] Guilt says “I didn’t do enough.”
[7:29] My anger is actually grief 
[11:04} Why doesn’t God stop the pain
[17:58] “Everything is not going to be ok, but we’re gonna get through it”

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